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Title Faculty/Service Center Location Closing date
Participating Team Leader Secretariat Cognitive Neuroscience Department
Participating Team Leader Secretariat Cognitive Neuroscience Department Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience 31-03-2025
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Maastricht 31-03-2025
Jurist Maastricht University Office 13-04-2025
Maastricht University Office Maastricht 13-04-2025
Promovendus gezondheidsbevordering door een groene leefomgeving
Promovendus gezondheidsbevordering door een groene leefomgeving Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences 30-03-2025
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht 30-03-2025
Specialist Wetenschappelijk Informatie Juridisch domein
Specialist Wetenschappelijk Informatie Juridisch domein Universiteits Bibliotheek 10-04-2025
Universiteits Bibliotheek Maastricht 10-04-2025
Specialist scientific information legal domain
Specialist scientific information legal domain Universiteits Bibliotheek 10-04-2025
Universiteits Bibliotheek Maastricht 10-04-2025
Cloud Devops Engineer
Cloud Devops Engineer ICT Service Centrum 13-04-2025
ICT Service Centrum Maastricht 13-04-2025
Lecturer in Accounting and Information Management
Lecturer in Accounting and Information Management School of Business and Economics 27-04-2025
School of Business and Economics Maastricht 27-04-2025
PhD in Organizational Behavior / HR Management on the topic of Organizational change and learning School of Business and Economics Maastricht 6-04-2025
PhD Candidate or Postdoc in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Biomedical Engineering
PhD Candidate or Postdoc in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences 4-04-2025
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht 4-04-2025
PhD candidate to conduct ethnographic research on smart farming
PhD candidate to conduct ethnographic research on smart farming Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 4-05-2025
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Maastricht 4-05-2025
Software developer
Software developer Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience 13-04-2025
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Maastricht 13-04-2025
Softwareontwikkelaar Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience 13-04-2025
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Maastricht 13-04-2025
PhD candidate at the Department of Circular Chemical Engineering, Circular Plastics team Faculty of Science & Engineering Sittard-Geleen 30-03-2025
Postdoc in patterns of physical activity and health
Postdoc in patterns of physical activity and health Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences 15-04-2025
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht 15-04-2025
Docent Toetsing, Onderwijsontwerp en E-learning
Docent Toetsing, Onderwijsontwerp en E-learning Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences 6-04-2025
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht 6-04-2025
Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuromonitoring - Intensive Care Unit
Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuromonitoring - Intensive Care Unit Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences 21-04-2025
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht 21-04-2025
PhD candidate in Transnational Labour Mobilities in Southeast Asia
PhD candidate in Transnational Labour Mobilities in Southeast Asia Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 16-04-2025
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Maastricht 16-04-2025
Postdoc Using spectroscopy & laboratory analytics to drive system models for the plastic value chain Faculty of Science & Engineering Maastricht 27-07-2025
Postdoc Signal processing for wearable sensors and speech technology in COPD
Postdoc Signal processing for wearable sensors and speech technology in COPD Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences 2-04-2025
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht 2-04-2025
Promovendus ontwikkelen van een wearable voor mensen met COPD, vakgroep Longziekten
Promovendus ontwikkelen van een wearable voor mensen met COPD, vakgroep Longziekten Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences 2-04-2025
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht 2-04-2025
Associate Professor at the Department of Health Promotion
Associate Professor at the Department of Health Promotion Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences 6-04-2025
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht 6-04-2025
PhD in Epidemiology on value-of-information from validating clinical prediction models and AI Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht 13-04-2025
Programmamaker bij Studio Europa Maastricht
Programmamaker bij Studio Europa Maastricht Maastricht University Office 27-04-2025
Maastricht University Office Maastricht 27-04-2025
System Network Engineer
System Network Engineer Faculty of Science & Engineering 21-04-2025
Faculty of Science & Engineering Maastricht 21-04-2025
Kubernetes / HPC Devops engineer
Kubernetes / HPC Devops engineer ICT Service Centrum 6-04-2025
ICT Service Centrum Maastricht 6-04-2025